About Me

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I'm just a little girl from Canada, with amazing friends - who moved to the USA to go to a small Christian University - who made more amazing friends, and fell in love with and married a boy from Ohio and takes pictures of everything!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thursday's Inspiration: Sky

This is the sky on my way down Pike's Peak in Colorado Springs this past August!! Can't beat that!

Here are a few others (and more to come) of the Colorado Skies! They are the coolest!

This was like a rainbow in the clouds! I couldn't believe it!!

Cool right??


  1. Ooh, so pretty. How great that you caught that double rainbow on camera. (I almost wrote, on film, but that would certainly date me!)

  2. Great capture of the double rainbow; they disappear so fast sometimes.

  3. I love the double rainbow photo! It is so beautiful. Pamela

  4. A rainbow always gives me a special little thrill - and a double rainbow - well that's a real gift.
